素食女十年不孕 吃麦当劳生三胞胎

时间 2024-01-22 10:55素食情怀作者:yy八戒

A vegetarian, told she would never have children, gave birth to triplets after a daily breakfast of McDonalds McMuffins.


Laura Dixon was unable to get pregnant naturally for ten years before she tried to improve her chances with IVF and by boosting her protein levels.


She piled on 32kg (5st) with McMuffins and Big Breakfasts from McDonalds plus Marks Spencer sandwiches and dishes from Nandos.


It paid off because Mrs Dixon, 34, had Mia and identical boys Max and Mason at 35 weeks after her final IVF cycle.


When the sonographer found a third heartbeat I shouted Oh no and cried, thinking Id lose them all, Mrs Dixon said.


After losing one baby to a miscarriage, I thought Id never be able to carry three.But my hunger kicked in and despite never eating meat, I craved it. I ate about six meals a day. The cravings were so strong that Id wake up in the night and make my husband go to get me a McDonalds.


Eating meat definitely helped me get all the protein that you need when youre pregnant.I think it could be one of the reasons I managed to carry all three to full term.


Doctors had earlier told Mrs Dixon, she could not have children because of problems with her ovaries.But her triplets, now 14 months old, were delivered successfully by Caesarean section.Mia weighed 2.7kg (5lb 15oz), Max was 1.7kg (3lb 12oz) and Mason 2.4kg (5lb 4oz).

